2015年9月1日 星期二

【平方樹】♟ some thoughts after fun photoshoot with Jeff's family

一直記得被抱起的感覺。小時候去外婆家我會在客廳裝睡,等著媽媽把我「公主抱」進房間。 可惜完全不記得一歲大家共同的「飛高高」經驗是什麼樣的感覺......還好,攝影能讓這刻成為永恆。
I always remember how it feels. When I was a kid I would pretend to be asleep in the living room of my granny’s house, waiting my mom to carry me in her arms and take me to the bedroom.  Infantile amnesia keeps us from remembering how it feels to be “flying high” when we were just one.  Thankfully, photography can freeze this moment for us. (-Sumei Chen) 

★fun photoshoot with Jeff's family★ 

Photography: Sumei Chen 平方樹攝影 Square O' Tree Photography 
Lighting: Kawen Chen @平方樹攝影 
Special Thanks to 紹恩, Stan @ Ian-Studio  
平方樹官網 official site: www.square-o-tree.com 
平方樹粉絲專頁follow us on FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/square.o.tree

