『造型 x 攝影聯合創作』
🌳 Credits 🌳
Photographer / Kato Chen @ 平方樹攝影 Square O' Tree Photography
Make-up &Hair / 芸安造型彩妝 Bridemakeup & hairstyle
Model / 黃詠琦Siobhan
Gown / 小櫥窗法式手工婚紗
Location/ 樂卡樹攝影棚 ColaCat Studio 攝影棚出租/教學/活動
2017年9月29日 星期五
2017年9月28日 星期四
【Prewedding】 拳擊婚紗 World gym K + S
【獨立婚紗】 能夠在擁有共同回憶、興趣的地方拍攝婚紗,是多麼珍貴的紀念,能一起完成新人的夢想也是我們非常開心的事❤ 我們希望多年後新人看婚紗照,想起的是專屬兩人的愛情記憶,而非只是復刻他人照片風格或當年的流行。
#不只是雜誌風格婚紗 #張張都是封面 #新人已被手刀簽下 #明星級妝髮造型 #整個城市都是我們的攝影棚 #拳擊婚紗 #自主婚紗 #prewedding#滑雪攀岩高空彈跳婚紗都來都來
更多婚紗作品👉 http://www.square-o-tree.com/PreweddingF
🌳 Credits 🌳
Photographer / Kato Chen 平方樹攝影 Square O' Tree Photography
Cinematography / Sumei Chen (susu)
Make-up / Sophia's Beauty Make-up Blog
Hair / YUMI Ding『玉馨』
Gown / My Party 手工婚紗
Suit / Mr.gentle文雅先生男仕西服
Special Thanks / World Gym健身俱樂部 Taiwan
#不只是雜誌風格婚紗 #張張都是封面 #新人已被手刀簽下 #明星級妝髮造型 #整個城市都是我們的攝影棚 #拳擊婚紗 #自主婚紗 #prewedding#滑雪攀岩高空彈跳婚紗都來都來
更多婚紗作品👉 http://www.square-o-tree.com/PreweddingF
🌳 Credits 🌳
Photographer / Kato Chen 平方樹攝影 Square O' Tree Photography
Cinematography / Sumei Chen (susu)
Make-up / Sophia's Beauty Make-up Blog
Hair / YUMI Ding『玉馨』
Gown / My Party 手工婚紗
Suit / Mr.gentle文雅先生男仕西服
Special Thanks / World Gym健身俱樂部 Taiwan
2017年9月19日 星期二
【海外婚禮拍攝日記】about wedding detail shots
To photograph a wedding, we usually put more efforts into capturing the interactions between friends and families of the newlywed. Detail shots are beautiful but it takes time somehow and we don't want to miss out any interesting interactions or beautiful smiles or tears--It's so precious that so many friends and families of the bride and the groom gather together from different continents to celebrate their true love.
In Philladephia, we stayed at the same hotel as the bride and the groom for two days. So that we could spend all our time and energy on capturing those precious and magical moments from everybody getting ready in the morning to the very end of the banquet of the wedding day. On the next day we borrowed the beautiful gown from the bride and shot some detail photos, hoping that years later those photos would serve as a reminder for the bride of how it feels to look at, touch, wear this gown on the big day. This kind of photo may even takes the bride way back to the important moment when she first found her dream wedding dress and tried it on and realized that "aww I am getting married".....
🌳 Credits 🌳
📷Photography | Sumei Chen & Kato Chen @平方樹攝影 Square O' Tree Photography
👗Gown | Le Stelle星紗 手工婚紗禮服
💒Location | Genetti Manor
#白紗 #behindthescences #幕後花絮 #平方樹 #美式婚禮 #婚禮紀實 #海外婚紗 #weddingdress #gown #DetailShots #攝影札記 #overseaweddings #weddingphotography
To photograph a wedding, we usually put more efforts into capturing the interactions between friends and families of the newlywed. Detail shots are beautiful but it takes time somehow and we don't want to miss out any interesting interactions or beautiful smiles or tears--It's so precious that so many friends and families of the bride and the groom gather together from different continents to celebrate their true love.
In Philladephia, we stayed at the same hotel as the bride and the groom for two days. So that we could spend all our time and energy on capturing those precious and magical moments from everybody getting ready in the morning to the very end of the banquet of the wedding day. On the next day we borrowed the beautiful gown from the bride and shot some detail photos, hoping that years later those photos would serve as a reminder for the bride of how it feels to look at, touch, wear this gown on the big day. This kind of photo may even takes the bride way back to the important moment when she first found her dream wedding dress and tried it on and realized that "aww I am getting married".....
🌳 Credits 🌳
📷Photography | Sumei Chen & Kato Chen @平方樹攝影 Square O' Tree Photography
👗Gown | Le Stelle星紗 手工婚紗禮服
💒Location | Genetti Manor
#白紗 #behindthescences #幕後花絮 #平方樹 #美式婚禮 #婚禮紀實 #海外婚紗 #weddingdress #gown #DetailShots #攝影札記 #overseaweddings #weddingphotography
2017年9月14日 星期四
【獨立婚紗】 with Chloe
2017年9月5日 星期二
【Titan & Emma】婚禮錄影精華 wedding highlight @皇帝嶺
【Titan & Emma's wedding film】
"I want to build a home of love and light with you."
當親友們在台下看著Titan與Emma成長影片 彷彿也重溫了兩人的故事而紛紛熱淚盈眶,
♬ 影片已付費取得音樂版權♬
youtube頻道手機也可以安心觀看 、無廣告、也不會被消音喔
📷在Vimeo上觀看 Titan & Emma 的高畫質婚禮影片 👉 https://vimeo.com/squareotree/titan
更多平方樹婚禮/婚紗錄影作品👉 http://www.square-o-tree.com/WedF
+cinematography 動態錄影: 平方樹攝影 Square O' Tree Photography
+videographer錄影師: Kato, Susu
+editor 後期剪輯:Kato, Susu
+assistant:Hsu Anita
+photo 平面攝影:@嗨攝影 - HaiPhotograph
+makeup/hair 妝髮: Rinka & Lady's 玩造型
+gown 婚紗: @HCstudio手工婚紗
+venue 會館 : 皇帝嶺婚宴會館 鳳廳
2017年9月4日 星期一
【🍔攝影挑戰】 用手電筒 手機 大麥克拍人像
【🍔大麥克挑戰】看看法國的人像攝影師Philippe Echaroux在這個挑戰中如何用手電筒、手機、還有大麥克拍攝人像,沒錯,就是麥當勞的大~麥~克。所有拍攝與後製都在手機完成。
連結▶ http://www.boredpanda.com/big-mac-box-iphone-portraits-phi…/
連結▶ http://www.boredpanda.com/big-mac-box-iphone-portraits-phi…/
【It's something in our head rather than gears in our hands.】
What makes Square O' Tree unique is never our equipment or composition, lighting, editing, grading, or retouching techniques. It's how hard we work to tell your beautifully unique story. It's something in our head rather than gears in our hands.
2017年9月2日 星期六
【Yuan & Lin 的婚禮預告】Behind the scenes (婚紗側錄)
【Yuan & Lin 的婚禮預告】🌸 Save the date 🌸 在校園拍攝婚紗,總是覺得特別溫馨❤ 這次很開心能側錄Lin跟Yuan的婚紗拍攝幕後花絮,來到校地寬廣的元智大學。 元智第一個景點就是每天上學都會經過的長廊大道,聽說因為太長了,學生們常常走到生氣😂 回到對彼此有情感的地點拍攝,新人總是能表現出最自然的互動,留下的影像也更具紀念意義,這就是自主婚紗最迷人的地方❤
♬ 影片已付費取得音樂版權 ♬
youtube頻道手機也可以安心觀看 、無廣告、也不會被消音喔)
📷在Vimeo上觀看 Lin + Yuan的高畫質 婚禮預告 👉https://vimeo.com/squareotree/yuan
更多婚禮/婚紗錄影作品👉 http://www.square-o-tree.com/WedF
Cinematography 錄影 | @平方樹攝影 Square O' Tree Photography
Videographers 錄影師 | Kato
Editor 剪輯/後期 | Kato & Susu
Photography 平面攝影師 | J2 Wedding
#pre-wedding #平方樹 #平方樹攝影 #林安泰古厝 #元智大學 #迷宮#攝影棚 #婚紗棚拍 #自主婚紗 #校園 #林安泰,#校園婚紗#weddingvideo #婚紗側錄 #婚禮預告 #自助婚紗 #portrait#weddingcinamatography
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